Worship & Service

The worship services at St. John’s follow the forms of the Book of Common Prayer (1928). Our order of worship is ancient and expresses man’s attempt to offer his best to God.

Holy Eucharist service is offered on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care is provided.

Holy Communion
All baptized Christians confirmed by a bishop in Apostolic Succession and living in such a way to glorify our Lord are welcome to receive Holy Communion at St. John’s. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer directs the priest to address those who plan to receive the Holy Communion “Ye who do truly and earnestly repent you of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God and walking from henceforth in his holy ways…take this holy Sacrament to your comfort.” The 1928 prayer book stipulates the following after the Confirmation service: “And there shall be none admitted to the Holy Communion, until such time as he be confirmed, or be ready and desirous to be confirmed.” If you have any questions regarding these stipulations please discuss the matter with the rector. Those involved in Inquiry or Confirmation class may receive communion under certain circumstances.


A mid-week Holy Eucharist or Evening Prayer service is celebrated on Wednesday evening, usually at 6:30 PM. This read service provides an opportunity for worship as we prepare for Holy Week.

Special Services
Special services to celebrate prayer book holy days and national holidays are scheduled when appropriate. Details of these services are announced regularly in the Sunday bulletin and in the monthly Events calendar.

Church Service

There are many opportunities to share in the life and work of St. John’s. All members, and especially newcomers to the parish, are encouraged to get involved.

The Vestry
The Vestry, comprised of eligible members of the parish in good standing, meets monthly and serves for a three-year term. This body is responsible for managing and maintaining the church building and grounds, caring for the church’s fiscal affairs, and handling matters relating to the church corporation. The Vestry also oversees the life, work, and mission of the church and works closely with the rector, who acts as president, in setting policies and recommending programs.

The Annual Meeting
The full membership of the church usually meets in November of each year to elect Vestry members and to hear reports of the various organizations of the parish. A mid-year report is made during the summer.

Qualified men and boys over the age of ten assist the rector at liturgical services as crucifers, acolytes, and torchbearers.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for making the sanctuary ready for all services. Its members maintain the church’s liturgical requirements for services by preparing the altar, laundering linens, preserving the sacred vessels, and arranging the floral displays that beautify the church.

Members of the church serve as ushers during the Sunday service and special liturgies. Their duties include greeting and assisting those who come to worship, distributing Sunday bulletins, and presenting the congregation’s offering during the liturgy.

Lectors/lay readers are members of the parish who read the appointed Epistle. On occasion, they may conduct morning or evening prayer.

Caring Committee
This subcommittee of the parish women’s organization (ACW) sends cards and/or calls on members of the parish who are ill, shut-ins, or elderly.

St. Martha’s Guild
This group of women organizes and maintains the kitchen, organizes the parish hall and adjacent rooms, and schedules the coffee hour hosts.

Dayton Resource Center
St. John’s Church assists the local Dayton Schools Resource Center every Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday to help those in need.

Charitable Network
St. John’s Church partners with other Northern Kentucky charitable organizations, through a monthly free-will offering, as called for by our Lord in the Gospel of Matthew xxv. 31-40.